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Abdominal Pain


The Fanatic
Advanced Member
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Hi, Since month of May I'm having a discomfort/pain in my abdomen, upper right side and sometimes i can't describe where, it is very painful sometimes. It occurs once a week or twice and then the pain will just go away the doctor advice me to have a hematology test and a urine test, both are normal. But this September the pain didn't go away so i go straight to seek medical attention, the doctor advice me to have a hematology test and a urine test AGAIN. Both again normal. They injected me ketorolac and after an hour the pain fades away. I'm just wondering what is my health problem. The doctor advice me to get a full abdominal ultrasound. But i don't have enough money yet to afford it. And by the way today i'm having a loose vowel movement. I fart always and my poop is watery.
symtom po yan ng gallstones nangyare na po yan sakin.. sometimes pa nga masakit yung back ko sa right.. try mo research yung gallstones sa google.. baka makuha pa sa epson salt yan .. try mo search yun para sa gallstone kesa paopera ka magastos.. kasi yung akin hinde ko na kaya kaya nagpaopera na ako.. uminom ka ng apple juice every day.. nakaktulong yung ma flush yung gallstone mo search ka din sa youtube. sana makatulong..
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