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Gamot sa Alzheimers And Parkinsons Disease


The Devotee
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Drinking beer could prevent the damage of the brain cells, says a research carried out by Jianguo Fang and his colleagues of Lanzhou University's school of chemistry. Drinking liquor is not a much appreciated practice in the past but partying has become a part of life these days. While the goodness of the wine is well known, it’s time to know something more about beer.

Beer is not usually considered an evil for health when taken in reasonable quantity, but the goodness of beer is sure to amaze the beer lovers. A compound called xanthohumol present in the beer is observed to have anti-carcinogenic, anti-oxidation and cardiovascular-protection properties.

During brewing, an ingredient called hops is added to the beer that gives a bitter and tangy taste to it. Hops are the female flower of the hops plant known to have quite some medicinal values. Hops are the source of the compound xanthohumol present in the beer that renders goodness to the beer. These xanthohumol are observed to protect neuronal cells present in the brain and thereby slows down the development of brain disorders, reports Fangs and his team.

The oxidative damage to the neuronal cells is responsible for the development of brain diseases, according to the research, said Fang. Brain defects like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions could be prevented or slowed down by the preventing the oxidative damage to these neuronal cells.

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes interruption in memory, thinking and behaviour in a person’s regular life, whereas Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive movement disorder due to the death of vital nerve cells or neurons. No cure has been found for these neurodegenerative diseases so far, and if this research is to be believed, then it is no wonder a joy to the beer brewers and beer lovers.

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Kung nakasaad na prevention that means hindi siya gamot at kung anti-oxidant ang hanap eh dami alternatives dyan bakit beer pa? Mas madami harmful effects ang beer. Long term drinking can lead to arthritis and other problems.
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