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Upset stomach remedy


Basic Member
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Recently, i suffered from a very upset stomach.

I am currently abroad for work, and been staying at a hotel for a few days now.
Having the privilege of free accommodation and food, the majority of my meals for the last few days had soda in it, usually coca cola.
After three days of observing an unhealthy diet, o started to feel pain in my tummy, usually accompanied with stomach cramps, and used to go to the toilet 6 times a day.

I took kremil-s and marami rami na talaga na loperamides, but i did not feel better.
Kain na din ako ng kain ng saging pero wala pa din.
I was starting to think na baka may virus na like amoeba ako sa tyan.
I wasi really feeling dizzy and dehydrated. Nangilhihina na aq and less productive sa work.

Hanggang nag google aq for remedy, and i read about herbal teas.

I tried one that was fruit based, and it worked!
I think that was something like wild-berry tea, but it really eased the pain and frequency of my bowels!

Well, i feel good na! And i really want to share my experience! :)
Hope this helps!!
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