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Is there free will?

As long as you have the freedom to choose regardless of how you choose and what factors affects your decisions in choosing...
that is still freewill.
2 Timothy 1:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
King James Version (KJV)

2 Timothy 1:9

9 Na siyang sa atin ay nagligtas, at sa atin ay tumawag ng isang banal na pagtawag, hindi ayon sa ating mga gawa, kundi ayon sa kaniyang sariling akala at biyaya, na ibinigay sa atin kay Cristo Jesus buhat pa ng mga panahong walang hanggan.

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Free will is a myth. It can only be true if humans have perfect information, which is impossible, and if there is nothing in their psychological makeup that tends toward bias planted in their minds while they were in their innocent youth. For verification, ask yourself why a child born in India is a Hindu, another in Saudi Arabia a Muslim, and a child in South America a Catholic Christian. Moreover, all their outlook and decisions throughout their lives will all be colored by all these religious affiliation.

Or perhaps you can ask yourself why people with genetic issues will suffer from errors in decision and become drug addicts, criminals, social deviants no matter what any counseling or psychological help given them. That is one reason criminals with DNA issues are now absolved of crimes, even though they are still committed to institutions.

Education and self-study goes a long way towards self-liberation, but even this goes only a certain level.

Any one can also consult scientific studies that support that the will is not absolutely free. Libet, for example, has shown that humans have their decisions subconsciously made over any issue seconds before they consciously articulate their decisions.
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As long as you have the freedom to choose regardless of how you choose and what factors affects your decisions in choosing...
that is still freewill.
i chose to live but a crazy man sprayed bullets from a broken hotel window. im dead because of him. may freewill ba ako?
Faith, Fate and Freewill doesn't coincide. It's contradicting each other but thats how you/them/religious zealots explain freewill.

But.. but..

"Lahat ay itinakda pero hindi ka pupwedeng mamili." Medyo tanga diba?
Yes absolutely meron tayong Free will kaya nga may mga Taong pinili nilang hindi maniwala sa Dios eh. in opposite meron namang naniniwalang may Dios katulad ko :)
Commercial interests have been subverting mental faculties and so-called free will thru subliminal messages. Espionage agencies have been programming sleeper agents totally bypassing agents' willpower. Fanatic religious systems have been brainwashing believers and overtaking their will wholesale, zombifying them to commit atrocities and blow themselves up for their faith.

Yes. Free will indeed.

The advent of singularity that will facilitate total AI and human brain connectivity will make it beyond question how much free will you could still hold on to. Wait until the overlords reprogram entire population minds to do their own bidding, making minions of everyone.
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