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True Religion (Paniniwala at Katotohanan)

Okay po, sana tama po pagsusuri niyo :thumbsup:

IT IS NOT TRUE that just because God was manifested in the flesh as stated in I Timothy 3:16, the flesh in whom He is manifested is God also.

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (1 Tim. 3:16, KJV)

The same verse in another version of the Bible for clarity:

Here is the great mystery of our religion: Christ came as a human. The spirit proved that he pleased God, and he was seen by angels. Christ was preached to the nations. People in this world put their faith in him, and he was taken up to glory. (1 Tim. 3:16, Contemporary English Version)

God is manifested in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ because it is God Himself who works in Jesus Christ (cf. Jn. 14:10).

Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works. (John 14:10, NKJV)


Nabasa mo na ba yung Isaiah 44:9-20 sa Magandang Balita Biblia?

Basahin mo.

oo nga po pero may nauna na pong religion noon. sinasapawan nyo na po yung nauna.
oo nga po pero may nauna na pong religion noon. sinasapawan nyo na po yung nauna.
Sinapawan nga po ba o ipinalit sa nauna?? Hehe, nagsisimula na po pagsusuri niyo :thumbsup:

Nang ang tao ay magkasala nagsimula na ang pagbubukod ng Panginoong Diyos sa mga kinikilala LAMANG niyang mga lingkod niya :)

Ibinukod ang Lahi ni Set - Sila lang kinikilalang anak ng Diyos noon, dito palang masasabi na nating HINDI LAHAT NG TAO AY KINIKILALA NG DIYOS NA KANIYA E=== Naging masama dahil nagsipag-asawa sa hindi kinikilalang anak ng Diyos kaya nilipol

Kaya ibinukod naman ang lahi ni Noe === Nagkasala din dahil hindi sumunod sa utos na magsipangalat sa lupa, nagtayo ng tore.

Ibinukod ang kay Abraham === At mula kay Abraham, naging anak si Isaac, na naging anak si Jacob at sa kaniya nagmula ang Unang Bayan ng Diyos, ang bayang Israel

Bayang Israel === Nagkasala at tumalikod din, hindi nagbagong buhay, sinuway ang Diyos kaya itinakwil at isinumpa ng Diyos

Sumunod na is yung itinatag ng Panginoong Jesucristo na kaniyang Iglesia === NAITALIKOD ang Iglesia ni Cristo noong unang siglo ng mga Bulaang Propeta - pinasunod sa aral ng demonyo.

ANG HULING GINAWANG PAGBUBUKOD NG DIYOS === Iglesia ni Cristo sa mga wakas ng lupa, sa malayong silangan na may TIYAK NA KATUPARAN, HAHA, Ewan ko aling Iglesia ni Cristo yun? Hindi ako magsasabi, sana magsuri kayo. Dahil nasa Biblia lahat yan.

2 Pedro 1:10, 19
10Kaya, mga kapatid, lalong pagsikapan ninyo na mangapanatag kayo sa PAGKATAWAG at PAGKAHIRANG sa inyo: sapagka't kung gawin ninyo ang mga bagay na ito ay hindi kayo mangatitisod kailan man:
19AT KAMI AY MAYROONG LALONG PANATAG NA SALITA NG HULA; na mabuti ang inyong ginagawa kung ito'y inyong sinusundan, na gaya ng sa isang ilawang lumiliwanag sa isang dakong madilim, hanggang sa pagbubukang liwayway, at ang tala sa umaga ay sumilang sa inyong mga puso:

Ang TUNAY NA RELIHIYON tandaan natin na NASA BIBLIA YAN, hindi pwedeng baliin ang nasa Biblia, at ayon diyan ay may HULA kung alin ang tunay na relihiyon.

Panatag na kaya kayo na ang relihiyon niyo ay may patotoo na mula sa Biblia???? Kaya dapat talaga alam niyo kung alin ang tunay dahil kung hindi, alam niyo na ang parusa ng Panginoong Diyos sa mga hindi tunay :D Parusang walang hanggan sa Dagatdagatang apoy :superman:

Ang relihiyon niyo ba aymay HULA na nasa Biblia?? Ang Iglesia ni Cristo ngayon, may hula kaya ang Biblia? Hehe, magsuri po sana kayo. :superman:

HULING PAGBUBUKOD NA. Kasunod na nito ang Walang Hanggang Parusang igagawad ng Diyos SA LAHAT (Mula nang likhain ang daigdig) NG NAGKASALA SA KANIYA NA HINDI KABILANG SA MGA IBINUKOD NIYA. (NASA BIBLIA DIN ITO) Hehehehe
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(Pananampalataya at Katotohanan)

BASAHIN AT UNAWAIN: Una po sa lahat ang tunay na Iglesia at Relihiyon ay nagsimula sa Israel noong 33AD at hindi sa Roma o sa Pilipinas kahit maraming nag aangkin at nagbabase sa pangalan o sariling interpretasyon at pinagmulan ng kanilang sekta. Ang basehan sa isang tunay at malinis na Simbahan o Relihiyon ay nakabatay sa "TURO" o sa kung ano ba ang tinuturo ng mga tunay na Kristiano na ang nagtatag ay si "KRISTO" hindi kung sinong Founder, Pope, Pastor O Ministro. Ang Iglesia o Simbahan ay binubuo ng mga TUNAY NA MANANAMPALATAYA o ang mga tumanggap kay Hesus bilang Panginoon at Tagapagligtas (Juan 3:16) kaya sila ay pinapaging banal hindi ayon sa kanilang katwiran kundi dahil sa habag at biyaya ng Diyos. (Epeso 2:8-9); Na ang sinasamba ay ang Iisang DIYOS lamang sa Tatlong Persona (Ama, Anak at ang Espiritu Santo... Mateo 28:18-19) na sa pasimula pa ay nagkakaisa at bago likhain ang mundo ayon sa plano ng Diyos; SAMBAHIN ANG DIYOS SA "ESPIRITU AT KATOTOHANAN" Juan 4:24. (Idolaters will not inherit the Kingdom of God). Walang sinumang pwedeng umangkin na sila ang tama kung ang tinuturo ay ayon lamang sa kanilang tradisyon at turo ng kanilang simbahan o pinaniniwalaan.Umaasa po kaming patuloy nating pag-aralan ang SALITA NG DIYOS at wag manatili sa nakagisnan o sa kung ano lamang ang ating gustong pakinggan dahil maliwanag ang sinasabi ng Bibliya "Malawak ang daan sa impyerno at makipot ang daan sa Langit..." Mayroong universal at local Church mayroon din namang gantimpala ang Diyos sa mga tapat at ang kahatulan sa mga di sumampalataya (Apocalypsis 20:15). Although walang Kristianong di nagkakasala pero kalooban ng Diyos na tayo ay manatiling tapat sa Kanyang pag-ibig at sa kapayapaan. Maraming Salamat Kaibigan at pagbabasa.

Kung may mga katanungan pa bumisita sa lagyan ng /tagalog para sa ating sariling wika at bumisita din sa para pag-aralan ang iba ibang sekta at turo kung ito ay batay sa Bibliya. (NOTE: ANG MGA SITE NA ITO AY INDEPENDENT AT MAKAKATULONG SA INYONG PAG-AARAL UPANG LUBOS NA MAKILALA ANG DIYOS, SI KRISTO, ANG BIBLIYA AT ANG TUNAY NA IGLESIA.)

Also join us in our fight against Corruption and Crime at iboto natin yung mga tamang kandidato na maganda ang Karakter, may Kakayahan at may Katapatan..." -PILIPINAS PARA KAY HESUS AT SA PAGBABAGO MOVEMENT.


-Fundamental Evangelical Christian Church

matanung ko po kayo alam mo ba ang meaning ng israel? muslim po ako sa arabic ay isra'eel.
7 Pieces of Evidence for the Resurrection

Indeed, Jesus is Risen! (Lightstock )
"... to know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death ..." (Phil. 3:10, MEV).
The apostle Paul expressed that Jesus Christ's resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith in Him (1 Cor. 15:14). And although skeptics have tried to refute this, the evidence for God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ is undeniable, if one is willing to objectively look at all the evidence. The truth is being a believer is not a blind leap of faith but a real relationship with a living God whose fingerprints seem to be everywhere we look.
There are many verifiable facts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the following are only seven of them.
1. The empty tomb. Even the enemies of Christ never denied the empty tomb. And all other explanations, body stolen, He wasn't really dead, and so on, are easily debunked when examined.
2. Post-resurrection appearances. People saw, touched, walked along side, ate with, and listened to Jesus. Hundreds of witnesses (over 500!) saw Him at one time (1 Cor, 15:6), which psychologists confirm could not have been the result a mass hallucination as some skeptics claim.
The resurrection of Christ was a bodily one. Following His resurrection He presented Himself as proof that He indeed was alive! He offered Himself to be touched, revealing His crucifixion scars, then eating with the disciples. He presented clear evidence He had risen bodily from the grave.
"... to whom He presented Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, appearing to them for forty days, and speaking concerning the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3, MEV). This is the only place in the Bible the word "infallible proof" is used. This word meaning solid proof in a court of law.
3. The testimony of women. The fact women were the first to discover and testify of the empty tomb and that He had risen is noteworthy because in the Greco-Roman world the testimony of women was not considered reliable. If the gospel writers felt the liberty to make things up, they certainly would not report that women discovered the empty tomb, for that would only weaken their case and cause. They however, reported what they saw with their own eyes, trusting the truth would bear out.
4. Transformed lives of disciples. There is no doubt something very real and dramatic happened that transformed eleven cowardly men, hiding in fear for their lives, into bold outspoken evangelists. These men became willing to risk imprisonment, excommunication, torture, and even death in order to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the very city he was crucified! They would not willingly die if they knew this was all a lie. The fact is they knew Christ had indeed risen — they saw Him, talked to Him, touched Him, and ate with Him. Knowing the truth of the resurrection they were willing to die for Him.
5. Birth of the Christian church. It's evident that something of great significant and supernatural took place that caused the Christian faith to explode in growth in the very city Christ was crucified and buried in. Within a few centuries, from Jerusalem all the way thru the Roman Empire Christianity became the dominant religion, displacing centuries of pagan practices. All this without any modern forms of communication, travel or media. Only something as compelling and persuasive as Jesus Resurrection could account for such a remarkable transformation.
6. James conversion. Jesus' half-brother James was a skeptic until he encountered the risen Christ. As a result became a strong leader in the early church.
7. Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus. Some supernatural encounter must have occurred to cause such a radical change in Saul, transforming him from a fanatical hater and persecutor of Christians into the greatest defender, missionary, and evangelist the church has ever known.
The Truth from Two of the Worlds Greatest Legal Minds
1. Sir Lionel Luckhoo (1914-1997), Considered one of the greatest lawyers in British history. He's recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "World's Most Successful Advocate," with 245 consecutive murder acquittals. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II – twice. After his complete examination of the facts, Sir Luckhoo declared:
"I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world ... I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt." – Sir Lionel Luckhoo
2. Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853) was one of the founders of Harvard Law School. He authored the authoritative three-volume text, A Treatise on the Law of Evidence(1842), which is still considered "the greatest single authority on evidence in the entire literature of legal procedure." Greenleaf literally wrote the rules of evidence for the U.S. legal system. He was certainly a man who knew how to weigh the facts.
Greenleaf was an atheist until he accepted a challenge by his students to investigate the case for Christ's resurrection.
Simon Greenleaf Investigation
After personally collecting and examining the evidence based on rules of evidence that he helped establish, Greenleaf became a Christian and wrote the classic, Testimony of the Evangelists ... after thorough investigation of the resurrection, concluded...
"The resurrection of Christ is the most verifiable fact of ancient history" – Simon Greenleaf
What more could be said?

More evidence:
I think this is also relevant:

Pakistan suicide attack kills 65 celebrating Easter in Lahore
Agence France-Presse 07:37 AM March 28th, 2016

LAHORE, Pakistan — At least 65 people were killed and hundreds injured, many of them children, when a suicide bomber blew himself up at a crowded park in the Pakistani city of Lahore where Christians were celebrating Easter Sunday.

Officials said the bomber had detonated the explosives packed with ball bearings near a children’s playing area in the popular Gulshan-i-Iqbal park.

Witnesses said they could hear children screaming as people carried the injured in their arms, while frantic relatives searched for loved ones in nightmarish scenes at the park near the center of the city of eight million.

READ: Pope at Easter recalls victims of ‘blind, brutal terrorism’ | Suicide attack on Pakistan polio center kills 15

Doctors described frenzied scenes at hospitals, with staff treating casualties on floors and in corridors, as officials tweeted calls for blood donations.

“It was a suicide attack. The bomber managed to enter the park and blew himself up near the kids’ playing area where kids were on the swings,” Lahore’s top administration official Muhammad Usman told AFP.

Javed Ali, a 35-year-old resident who lives opposite the park, said the force of the blast shattered his home’s windows.

“After ten minutes I went outside. There was human flesh on the walls of our house. People were crying, I could hear ambulances.

“It was overcrowded because of Easter, there were a lot of Christians there. It was so crowded I told my family not to go.”

Yousaf Masih, a father who was searching for his family, told AFP: “My kids came here (to the park). I was at home, I saw the news on TV, but my wife and children were here.”

Witnesses said the wounded were first rushed to hospital in rickshaws and other vehicles before dozens of ambulances arrived on the scene.

Usman said the death toll had reached 65 people, with more than 50 children among the injured. A Lahore rescue official confirmed the toll and said the number of injured stood at 340.

The attack was the year’s deadliest, with officials saying the toll was set to rise.

There was no official confirmation of who was behind the attack late Sunday.

‘Cowardly, appalling’

Sunday’s blast was condemned by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who “expressed grief and sorrow over the sad demise of innocent lives,” according to a statement by his office.

He was later phoned by his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi who said “the people of India stand with their Pakistani brethren in this hour of grief”, according to state media.

The Vatican condemned the attack, calling it “fanatical violence against Christian minorities.”

The United States meanwhile labelled the incident “cowardly” and “appalling”, while Pakistan’s Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai tweeted: “Pakistan and the world must unite. Every life is precious and must be respected and protected.”

US presidential contender Donald Trump tweeted “Another radical Islamist attack, this time in Pakistan… I alone can solve.”

A military spokesman described the blast as a “suicide attack”, adding that intelligence agencies were chasing all leads. Lahore officials said the army had been called to the scene of the attack.

On social media Pakistanis were retweeting the call for blood donations, while Facebook activated its “Safety Check” for Lahore.

The government of Punjab province declared three days mourning.

Christians are a minority in the Muslim giant of around 200 million people, making up an estimated 1.6 percent of the population, and have long faced discrimination.

A year ago, on March 15, the Taliban killed 17 people in twin suicide attacks that targeted churches in Lahore.

The attacks sparked two days of rioting by thousands of Christians and two men were lynched by an angry mob who suspected they were militants.

Attacks targeting children carry a special resonance in Pakistan, still scarred by its deadliest ever militant assault in which Taliban gunmen killed more than 150 people at a school in Peshawar in 2014, the majority of them students.

A military operation targeting insurgents was intensified after that attack, and in 2015 the number of people killed in militant assaults dropped to its lowest since the Pakistani Taliban were formed in 2007.

Lahore, capital of Punjab province, has been relatively peaceful in recent years.

But the insurgents have demonstrated a chilling ability to continue attacks on soft targets.

In January 2016 the Pakistani Taliban launched an assault on a university in Charsadda, near Peshawar, that left 21 dead and spurred a call to arm teachers as parents spoke of fears for their children.

Sunday’s blast came as the army was also deployed on the streets of the capital Islamabad after thousands of protesters clashed with police in chaotic scenes, throwing stones and setting part of a Metro station on fire.

The demonstrators were supporters of Islamist assassin Mumtaz Qadri, who was hanged on February 29 for killing a Punjab governor over his call for blasphemy reform.

Analysts called the execution a “key moment” in Pakistan’s long battle against religious extremism.

But it has also exposed deep religious divisions in the conservative country.
Salamat TS sa pagtatag ng thread na ito at sa sites na ibinigay nyo. Simula na naging akay kasi ako sa isang religion para lang makinig din ng salita ng Diyos e, hindi ko inasahang makapagbibigay ito sa akin ng kalituhan. Nagdulot sa akin ng matinding kalituhan ang paniniwala nila tungkol sa kaligtasan, kung sino ang tunay na Diyos, kung si Jesus ba isang Diyos o, at sa sinasabi nilang sugo. Sinasabi nila na kapag umanib ka sa kanilang iglesia e, maliligtas ka at si Kristo ay hindi daw Diyos. Nakakalito talaga. Pero ang inaral sa religion namin e yung katulad po sa nakasulat doon sa site mo at si Jesus po ay isang Diyos. Medyo matagal din po kasi akong hindi nakasimba sa church namin. Isa po akong Baptist. Nang dumating yung kuya na isang myembro ng relihiyon na iyon na nagdulot sa akin ng kalituhan ay inakay nya ako dun. E ako naman ay tinuring ko yung opportunidad na makinig ng salita kasi sa akin naman e pare-parehas lang naman yung mga turo at religion hindi naman yun makapagliligtas sayo. Iyon pala magdudulot sa akin ng matinding kalituhan. Dahil dun, e gusto ko na bumalik ulit sa church namin at dun nalang makinig ng aral. Yung kuya ko e iniencourage akong laging sumama sa kanila sa pananambahan at hindi ako makatanggi. Nong unang beses akong umattend sa pananambahan nila, after noon, ay nagkaroon pa ko ng masamang panaginip tungkol sa relihiyon na yun, kesyo sunud sunuran daw mga myembro at mali tinuturo nila. Sana nawa ay mawala itong confusions na ito, malaman talaga kung ano ang totoo, at manindigan.
Ganda ng thread na ito. Makakatulong at dagdag kaalaman. May kanya-kanyang paniniwala. Pero sana wag mapunta sa debate. Just share the word of God. Share the Gospel. Share the Love of God :D

God loves you
Sinapawan nga po ba o ipinalit sa nauna?? Hehe, nagsisimula na po pagsusuri niyo :thumbsup:

Nang ang tao ay magkasala nagsimula na ang pagbubukod ng Panginoong Diyos sa mga kinikilala LAMANG niyang mga lingkod niya :)

Ibinukod ang Lahi ni Set - Sila lang kinikilalang anak ng Diyos noon, dito palang masasabi na nating HINDI LAHAT NG TAO AY KINIKILALA NG DIYOS NA KANIYA E=== Naging masama dahil nagsipag-asawa sa hindi kinikilalang anak ng Diyos kaya nilipol

Kaya ibinukod naman ang lahi ni Noe === Nagkasala din dahil hindi sumunod sa utos na magsipangalat sa lupa, nagtayo ng tore.

Ibinukod ang kay Abraham === At mula kay Abraham, naging anak si Isaac, na naging anak si Jacob at sa kaniya nagmula ang Unang Bayan ng Diyos, ang bayang Israel

Bayang Israel === Nagkasala at tumalikod din, hindi nagbagong buhay, sinuway ang Diyos kaya itinakwil at isinumpa ng Diyos

Sumunod na is yung itinatag ng Panginoong Jesucristo na kaniyang Iglesia === NAITALIKOD ang Iglesia ni Cristo noong unang siglo ng mga Bulaang Propeta - pinasunod sa aral ng demonyo.

ANG HULING GINAWANG PAGBUBUKOD NG DIYOS === Iglesia ni Cristo sa mga wakas ng lupa, sa malayong silangan na may TIYAK NA KATUPARAN, HAHA, Ewan ko aling Iglesia ni Cristo yun? Hindi ako magsasabi, sana magsuri kayo. Dahil nasa Biblia lahat yan.

2 Pedro 1:10, 19
10Kaya, mga kapatid, lalong pagsikapan ninyo na mangapanatag kayo sa PAGKATAWAG at PAGKAHIRANG sa inyo: sapagka't kung gawin ninyo ang mga bagay na ito ay hindi kayo mangatitisod kailan man:
19AT KAMI AY MAYROONG LALONG PANATAG NA SALITA NG HULA; na mabuti ang inyong ginagawa kung ito'y inyong sinusundan, na gaya ng sa isang ilawang lumiliwanag sa isang dakong madilim, hanggang sa pagbubukang liwayway, at ang tala sa umaga ay sumilang sa inyong mga puso:

Ang TUNAY NA RELIHIYON tandaan natin na NASA BIBLIA YAN, hindi pwedeng baliin ang nasa Biblia, at ayon diyan ay may HULA kung alin ang tunay na relihiyon.

Panatag na kaya kayo na ang relihiyon niyo ay may patotoo na mula sa Biblia???? Kaya dapat talaga alam niyo kung alin ang tunay dahil kung hindi, alam niyo na ang parusa ng Panginoong Diyos sa mga hindi tunay :D Parusang walang hanggan sa Dagatdagatang apoy :superman:

Ang relihiyon niyo ba aymay HULA na nasa Biblia?? Ang Iglesia ni Cristo ngayon, may hula kaya ang Biblia? Hehe, magsuri po sana kayo. :superman:

HULING PAGBUBUKOD NA. Kasunod na nito ang Walang Hanggang Parusang igagawad ng Diyos SA LAHAT (Mula nang likhain ang daigdig) NG NAGKASALA SA KANIYA NA HINDI KABILANG SA MGA IBINUKOD NIYA. (NASA BIBLIA DIN ITO) Hehehehe


yung nasa Roma 16:16 "mga iglesia ni Cristo" yun, in english "CHURCHES OF CHRIST" kaya nga sa tagalog bible kumukuha ang mga ministro mo, kasi sa mga english bible wala yang pangalan ng relihiyon mo
ibig sabihin ng "mga iglesia ni Cristo" ay ang mga lokal, tulad ng Iglesia sa Judea, sa Filipos, sa Tesalonica at iba pa

sa Gawa 20:28 naman, gumagamit lang ng MALING salin ng bibliya para palitawin ang naimbentong "iglesia ni Cristo"

huwag mo sanag ikagalit yan ang katotohanan
Walang malinis dito sa mundo;
Meron lang naglilinis-linisan.
Romans 3:10 (NIV)
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
1 John 1:8 (NIV)
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

May nagsasabing nasa bible ang religion nila. Pero hindi naman literal na religion yun kung uunawain mo.

Meron din naman nagsasabing sila lang ang maliligtas. "self righteous"

Please read Matthew 25 verses 31 to 46 at unawain.

31 ¶When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Hindi naman po sinabi na si religion 1 sa kaliwa at si religion 2 sa kanan.

Mas kalugod-lugod pa kay Lord yung kusang pagtulong sa kapwa na wala kang hinihinging kapalit.

Matthew 22:36-40

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
People should practice every good deeds even you didn't know whether you're in the true religion or not. Once you made it, you will find the truth. No one can say and no one can declare that their sects are in the true religion because all people are blind in truth. I feel so pity to those people who are inside the religion yet, they are irresponsibly doing good deeds.
Wala naman dapat patunayan kung totoo ang relihiyon mo o hindi. Basta Isang Diyos lang ang sinasamba natin. Ang dapat natin patunayan, na dapat karapat-dapat tayo para sa Diyos at nabubuhay tayo nang naaayon sa kagustuhan ng Diyos kahit ano pang relihiyon natin.
maniniwala lng po ako sa inyo kng matatalo nyo sa debate si bro eli. kaso wala pa nakatalo eh, napanuod ko na lahat na debate ni bro eli wala png nakakatalo sa kanya, baptist, born again, saksi ni jehova, protestante, seventh day adventist, catholic, etc. maliban sa inc ayaw kc lumaban sa debate takot e haha. ang batayan ko kasi kong mangangaral ka dapat matupad sa iyo ang salita na ito. lucas 21:13-15 itoy maging patotoo sa inyo, pagtibayin nga ninyo ang inyong mga puso na huwag munang isipin kung paano ang inyong isasagot: Sapagkat bibigyan ko kayo ng isang bibig at karunungan, na hindi masalangsang o matutulan man ng lahat ninyong mga kaalit. wala talga nakatutol kahit isa.
maniniwala lng po ako sa inyo kng matatalo nyo sa debate si bro eli. kaso wala pa nakatalo eh, napanuod ko na lahat na debate ni bro eli wala png nakakatalo sa kanya, baptist, born again, saksi ni jehova, protestante, seventh day adventist, catholic, etc. maliban sa inc ayaw kc lumaban sa debate takot e haha. ang batayan ko kasi kong mangangaral ka dapat matupad sa iyo ang salita na ito. lucas 21:13-15 itoy maging patotoo sa inyo, pagtibayin nga ninyo ang inyong mga puso na huwag munang isipin kung paano ang inyong isasagot: Sapagkat bibigyan ko kayo ng isang bibig at karunungan, na hindi masalangsang o matutulan man ng lahat ninyong mga kaalit. wala talga nakatutol kahit isa.

tama ka dyan bro!
Wala naman dapat patunayan kung totoo ang relihiyon mo o hindi. Basta Isang Diyos lang ang sinasamba natin. Ang dapat natin patunayan, na dapat karapat-dapat tayo para sa Diyos at nabubuhay tayo nang naaayon sa kagustuhan ng Diyos kahit ano pang relihiyon natin.

So hindi mo pala alam na kalooban ng Panginoong Diyos na ang tao kailangan maging sangkap sa katawan ni Cristo para maisagawa ang tunay na paglilingkod sa kaniya? Kung hindi na pala kailangan patunayan anong dahilan pa pala at nagtayo si Cristo ng Iglesia Niya?
paano naman naging magaling si eli soriano. ? lol

wala akong sinabing magaling ang sabi ko walang mkatutol, kahit isa kahit ikaw pa, wala pa ako npanuod na debate na natalo xa,
Sir may no. kayo ni LOrd tawagan ko lang? nakita ko kasi si Presious gumagala... hinahanap nya yong singsing.
Question: "Why are there so many Christian denominations?"

Answer: To answer this question, we must first differentiate between denominations within the body of Christ and non-Christian cults and false religions. Presbyterians and Lutherans are examples of Christian denominations. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are examples of cults (groups claiming to be Christian but denying one or more of the essentials of the Christian faith). Islam and Buddhism are entirely separate religions.

The rise of denominations within the Christian faith can be traced back to the Protestant Reformation, the movement to “reform” the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century, out of which four major divisions or traditions of Protestantism would emerge: Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, and Anglican. From these four, other denominations grew over the centuries.

The Lutheran denomination was named after Martin Luther and was based on his teachings. The Methodists got their name because their founder, John Wesley, was famous for coming up with “methods” for spiritual growth. Presbyterians are named for their view on church leadership—the Greek word for elder is presbyteros. Baptists got their name because they have always emphasized the importance of baptism. Each denomination has a slightly different doctrine or emphasis from the others, such as the method of baptism; the availability of the Lord’s Supper to all or just to those whose testimonies can be verified by church leaders; the sovereignty of God vs. free will in the matter of salvation; the future of Israel and the church; pre-tribulation vs. post-tribulation rapture; the existence of the “sign” gifts in the modern era, and so on. The point of these divisions is never Christ as Lord and Savior, but rather honest differences of opinion by godly, albeit flawed, people seeking to honor God and retain doctrinal purity according to their consciences and their understanding of His Word.

Denominations today are many and varied. The original “mainline” denominations mentioned above have spawned numerous offshoots such as Assemblies of God, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Nazarenes, Evangelical Free, independent Bible churches, and others. Some denominations emphasize slight doctrinal differences, but more often they simply offer different styles of worship to fit the differing tastes and preferences of Christians. But make no mistake: as believers, we must be of one mind on the essentials of the faith, but beyond that there is great deal of latitude in how Christians should worship in a corporate setting. This latitude is what causes so many different “flavors” of Christianity. A Presbyterian church in Uganda will have a style of worship much different from a Presbyterian church in Colorado, but their doctrinal stand will be, for the most part, the same. Diversity is a good thing, but disunity is not. If two churches disagree doctrinally, debate and dialogue over the Word may be called for. This type of “iron sharpening iron” (Proverbs 27:17) is beneficial to all. If they disagree on style and form, however, it is fine for them to remain separate. This separation, though, does not lift the responsibility Christians have to love one another (1 John 4:11-12) and ultimately be united as one in Christ (John 17:21-22).

The Downside of Christian Denominations:

There seems to be at least two major problems with denominationalism. First, nowhere in Scripture is there a mandate for denominationalism; to the contrary the mandate is for union and connectivity. Thus, the second problem is that history tells us that denominationalism is the result of, or caused by, conflict and confrontation which leads to division and separation. Jesus told us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. This general principle can and should be applied to the church. We find an example of this in the Corinthian church which was struggling with issues of division and separation. There were those who thought that they should follow Paul and those who thought they should follow the teaching of Apollos, 1 Corinthians 1:12, "What I am saying is this: each of you says, “I’m with Paul,” or “I’m with Apollos,” or “I’m with Cephas,” or “I’m with Christ.” This alone should tell you what Paul thought of denominations or anything else that separates and divides the body. But let’s look further; in verse 13, Paul asks very pointed questions, "Is Christ divided? Was it Paul who was crucified for you? Or were you baptized in Paul’s name?” This makes clear how Paul feels, he (Paul) is not the Christ, he is not the one crucified and his message has never been one that divides the church or would lead someone to worship Paul instead of Christ. Obviously, according to Paul, there is only one church and one body of believers and anything that is different weakens and destroys the church (see verse 17). He makes this point stronger in 3:4 by saying that anyone who says they are of Paul or of Apollos is carnal.

Some of the problems we are faced with today as we look at denominationalism and its more recent history:

1. Denominations are based on disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture. An example would be the meaning and purpose of baptism. Is baptism a requirement for salvation or is it symbolic of the salvation process? There are denominations on both sides of this issue. In fact, baptism – its meaning, its mode, who can receive it, etc. – has been a central issue in the separation of churches and forming of new denominations.

2. Disagreements over the interpretation of Scripture are taken personally and become points of contention. This leads to arguments which can and have done much to destroy the witness of the church.

3. The church should be able to resolves its differences inside the body, but once again history tells us that this doesn’t happen. Today the media uses our differences against us to demonstrate that we are not unified in thought or purpose.

4. Denominations are used by man out of self-interest. There are denominations today that are in a state of self-destruction as they are being led into apostasy by those who are promoting their personal agendas.

5. The value of unity is found in the ability to pool our gifts and resources to promote the Kingdom to a lost world. This runs contrary to divisions caused by denominationalism.

What is a believer to do? Should we ignore denominations, should we just not go to church and worship on our own at home? The answer to both questions is no. What we should be seeking is a body of believers where the Gospel of Christ is preached, where you as an individual can have a personal relationship with the Lord, where you can join in biblical ministries that are spreading the Gospel and glorifying God. Church is important and all believers need to belong to a body that fits the above criteria. We need relationships that can only be found in the body of believers, we need the support that only the church can offer, and we need to serve God in community as well as individually. Pick a church on the basis of its relationship to Christ and how well it is serving the community. Pick a church where the pastor is preaching the Gospel without fear and is encouraged to do so. As believers, there are certain basic doctrines that we must believe, but beyond that there is latitude on how we can serve and worship; it is this latitude that is the only good reason for denominations. This is diversity and not disunity. The first allows us to be individuals in Christ, the latter divides and destroys.

Recommended Resource: Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Ron Rhodes

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Know the truth and the truth shall set you free...

See religious cults profile and atheism.
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It is such a wonderful thing to see people of different denominations/religions to come together and talk about the Word of God. I am a believer of the Word of God in a sense that I believe that this is authentic, infallible, perfect in every sense, authoritative and came from God Himself as 2 Timothy 3: 16(KJV) says, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."

Regardless of our denominations, we go to church in order to please God. But in order to please God, we need to know what pleases Him right? Now the Bible tells us everything about what God wants in order to please Him. Just an illustration to understand how important it is know what God wants is the story of Cain and Abel. They both want to please God. Cain was a farmer, (nothing wrong with that) and offered the fruit of the ground (his harvest); and Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock (sheep) and offered it to God. And you know the rest of the story, God had respect on Abel's offering but had no respect with Cain's offering. You say "what in the world is wrong with offering fruits and vegetables?". Answer: simply because it's not what God requires. In the Old Testament, God required sinners to offer an animal to atone for their sins. Cain served God in his own way, but didn't get any credit out of it. But Abel did what God required. He did what God wants. He obeyed the will of God. And God responded with a respect. You see we can only serve God in His own way. We need to know what He requires for the forgiveness of our sins. Bible says that Jesus Christ is the perfect lamb. The perfect offering. The lamb who takes away the sins of the world. We don't have to offer animals anymore. God offered His son Jesus Christ for you and me. John 3:16 says, " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". This is the heart of the Gospel. Question is, do you accept it, or do you reject it?
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