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UNSAID FEELINGS sa crush, MU, flings, bf/gf, husband/ them here

Yes, I am a little lost and maybe this ain't love.
But stay with me, I need you. :)
ibabaling ko na lang ang atensyon ko sa mga tao na gusto ako kesa ipagpilitan isave ang friendship sa mga taong ayaw saken. *ubo ubo*

online friendships are hard to maintain pero may mangilan ngilan din na andyan pa rin for me kahit ilang buwan na ang lumipas na di kame naguusap, napakagenuine, at sincere kakatuwa. ;)
alam mo, kung maipapaliwanag ko lang ang pagiging skeptic ko.
Dami niyong workload na binibigay.tell me, what's in it for me?
24/7 online ka sa symb

get a life. ahaha
Thank you sa zagu at burger! Sa uulitin!
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ang epal ng batang to
wag mag feeling close
Parang na miss kita ngayong araw. :weep:
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i don't love you :sigh:

stay out of my way, if ever we meet again i'll shoot you in the head and left you with nothing.

you're messing with the wrong guy so yuck fou :sigh:

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I Had a very good night sleep last night...
Thanks to that Voice....
I Hope I can hear that sing a song Tonight...

mas masaya ako sa kabila kaya dun na lang ako.
To my friendship:smack:
maraming salamat sa lahat..naaappreciate ko lahat ng concern na pinapakita mo.You just dont know how sweet you can get ayon nga lang syempre friends tayo:rofl: basta kahit hindi tayo madalas mag usap andito lang din naman ako.kahit virtual yong friendship natin ramdam ko naman parang totoo ka naman. bawas bawasan mo ang init ng ulo dahil tatamaan ka talaga sakin..:rofl:

You are my knight in shining armor, most of the time misunderstood ka. People don't know you the way I do and you know what? Sobrang naappreciate kita for having my back, for sticking up for me ikinapahamak mo pa because people don't know me the way you do. :lol:

Thank you for understanding and for never judging. As I've said nung una pa lang tayong nagkakilala, I am a keeper and I'm keeping you. Palawan tayo? Ayaw mo sa Pearl Farm eh :lol:

10chars of thankyou.
Galit galit ako sa Doctor na ito,

Aba akalain niyo, nag pa check up.
Di ako tinanggap dahil SOBRANG GALING ko..

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