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"Quote of the Day"

I want to be a guy who changed everything, the guy that made a difference, and that guy who gave everyone a story to tell.
You are in love when your thoughts wander to that special person all day.
If you're willing to chase me, I promise I'll run slow.
Nobody is a mind reader, so don't expect someone to know how you feel without you saying it.
"Me without you is like a sneaker without laces, a Geek without braces, andasentencewithoutspaces."
Love is a word used to much, so when it's actually meant, it's not believed.
Sometimes, you just have to wonder how many times someone you care about has to hurt you before you finally don’t care.
Life would be better if some girls had mute buttons,guys had edit buttons,bad times had fast forward buttons,& good times had pause buttons.
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