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The Official Naruto/Boruto Thread

Re: The Official Naruto Thread

sa sobrang bilis, nalito ako. basa uli... :book:
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

Sa anime natin maappreciate ito. :slap:
Bakit kaya hindi mag mass shadow clone si Naruto at sabay2 umatake. Hahahaha! :lol:
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

Sa anime natin maappreciate ito. :slap:
Bakit kaya hindi mag mass shadow clone si Naruto at sabay2 umatake. Hahahaha! :lol:

yare si naruto pagginawa nya yun..
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Re: The Official Naruto Thread

Ch.595 is Out Here:

Konti n lng mbabasag k rin Mask ka

meron na pala bago...:clap
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

Sa anime natin maappreciate ito. :slap:
Bakit kaya hindi mag mass shadow clone si Naruto at sabay2 umatake. Hahahaha! :lol:

naalala mo to


pero kung makagawa ng KAGE BUNSHIN nung nilabanan yung mga naka edo tensei napaka imba :lmao: wala talaga akong masabi :rofl: panis sa kage bunshin no negative effect pa lolz
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Re: The Official Naruto Thread

3 vs 1 wala pa din. Lupet naman ni Tobi! :lol:
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

halimaw si tobi :lol:
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

ako lang ba dito ang nahihirapan magbasa dun sa latest chapter dahil puro bato??? wala ako maintindihan bakit ganun??? hahahah
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

ako lang ba dito ang nahihirapan magbasa dun sa latest chapter dahil puro bato??? wala ako maintindihan bakit ganun??? hahahah

ako din nahihirapan pero may nakalagay naman na note na puro tunog nalang daw sa susunod na mga pages :lol: hintayin nalang anime nyan
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

ako rin parang nahilo ako hindi ko alam kung sa bato o sa pagbabasa dahil puro bato
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

maganda yung eksena na yan as anime bilis ng action nun hehehe
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

596 prediction

"Son Surpasses Father"

Naruto with a determined look.

"Uncle Bee both Sensei, stay back. I'm doing this alone!"

Bee, "hey mister bad ass remember what Itachi said to that ass?!"

Naruto in base mode, " this isn't the same. My Dad beat this guy and kurama! If I can't do it them what good am I?!"

Kakashi, " Minato Sensei was on a different level, the Yellow Flash was a genius!"

Naruto, " hey no one! Its just you and me! Im not as fast as my Dad or a genius, but I am gonna surpass all the Hokages *which includes him!"

Tobi, " then come boy, i should have killed you when I held you as a baby!"

Naruto making and signs, "first! Summoning jutsu!"

Smoke occurs then we see Naruto wearing his Sage cloak, " we Kage to look cooler with our coats!"

He charges tobi, they are moving towards each other.

Gai, " Kakashi, he would never forgive you if you jumped in, let him reach his dreams."

Kakashi, " what if he can't?"

Gai, " when has he ever lied bout what he is goin to do? Besides, when he got here you thought he was the 4th, didn't you?"

Kakashi says nothing.

Naruto, " he was the master of Flying Thunder God and creator of the Rasengan. Me? I am the*
Master of a great jutsu that has always fit my fighting style."

As they get closer he holds up his signature sign.

Tobi, { that useless shadow clone jutsu. He will not surpass Minato today.}" too late for your worthless clones."

Tobi is slightly touching naruto.{gotcha!}

Naruto takes his hands down, "not that easy!"

Suddenly Tobi is struck by a powerful uppercut from a Sage clone rising from the ground.*

At the same instance, his finger tips are still touching Naruto, an attack from above. Two shadow clones appeared at the same time with...

Clone, " Rasenshuriken!!"

Tobi is devastated,"ahhhh!"

Kakashi, " this is familiar, what he lacks in speed he made up for with his clones!"

Tobi is inside of a crater created from the impact.*

Naruto, "five minutes."*

Everyone is confused.

Naruto looks at Tobi as he slowly gets up, " i am willing to bet you have a five minute limit on that ghost jutsu of yours!"

Tobi, { how the hell did he figure tgat out?!}

Naruto, " i learn by doing, fighting you all this time, you only stay ghost for a short time. If you could stay that way then you would have this whole time."

Kakashi, " not a genius my kunai, go on Naruto."

Naruto, " you fight like your in a hurry. Well i figure if your stuck fighting for more than five minutes, your defenseless."

Tobi, "doesn't matter only one person has managed to attack me constantly for five minutes, she still folded like her paper jutsu!"

Naruto, {Konan.} " let's go!"

Suddenly the ground Tobi is standing on rises into the air.*

Tobi, "?!"

It is two sage clones jumping up lifting it. Naruto jumps up and the clones toss it.

Naruto. "multi shadow clone jutsu!"

There are hundreds of clones around on the ground and in the *air with them.

Gai, "he took the option of him going into the ground!"

Naruto clones are dashing for him and swinging through. Tobi is leaning backwards about to fall when he solidifies to gain footing.

Naruto, "four and half more minutes, hang on!"

next: "the Shadow clone Sage prevails!"
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

naruto shippuden august 2012 schedules

August 02, 2012
Naruto Shippuden Episode 272: Mifune vs. Hanzo
August 09, 2012
Naruto Shippuden Episode 273-274 Special: Time for Oaths, Farewell Ino-Shika-Cho!
August 16, 2012
Naruto Shippuden Episode 275: Letter from the Heart
August 23, 2012
Naruto Shippuden Episode 276: Invasion of the Gedo Mazo
August 30, 2012
Naruto Shippuden Episode 277: The Sign of Settlement

walang fillers hehehe
Re: The Official Naruto Thread

596 prediction
Naruto 596 : The one who strikes first wins.

Tobi: *Their teamwork is good, they managed to touch me. I won't be able to defeat them with basic taijutsu. I'll have to turn it up a notch.* Close up on Rinnegan
Gai: Damit, he can react almost instantly.
Kakashi: No surprise when he has the sharingan and rinnegan.
Bee/Hachibi: How do we beat him yo, we only got so much time before we die.
Naruto: !?
Inside Naruto
Kurama: Your plan is good, but you're too slow.
Naruto: Wait what? WHat do you mean?
Kurama: When he attacked the village 16 years ago, the 4th was able to fatally wound him, twice.
Naruto: What..I...I don't have teleportation tho....
Kurama: That's true, but with my chakra, you can get just as close to that speed.
Naruto: How long...
Kurama: Give me a few minutes, and I'll h ave you back to normal.
Naruto: Alright listen up.
Gai/Kakashi/Bee: !
Naruto: I'm going to go back into bijuu mode, but I need time. Can I rely on you guys.
Gai: Of course!
Kakashi: We got your back Naruto.
Bee: Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaooooooo!
Bee, Kakashi and Gai charge at Tobi
Tobi: *So Naruto's going back into that mode*
>flashback of Naruto deflecting the bijuu dama's<
Tobi: I see...he wants to try what his father did. No worries, I'll take out these 3 first.
Kakashi: Bee and Gai, use as many attacks as you can to distract Tobi, I'm going to try my mangekyou on him.
Gai: That's going to be your third time, and last time it didn't work...
Kakashi: Yeah but this time, I'm watching him closely. Now, Go!
Gai; Hachimon 6th Gate, Kai!
Bee: Hachibi, switch back.
Bee goes seven sword style.
Gai attacks Tobi who blocks it with the fan Tobi is being pushed back.
Tobi: Stronger and faster now...
Gai wraps his leg around the fans holder and pushes away
Bee comes in and goes to cut the chain attached to the fan
Tobi de-materializes the fan, Bee falls through and Gai falls back.
Bee throws his sword enhanced with raiton at Tobi's face.
Gai appears behind and is about to kick Tobi in the face.
Tobi: Shinra Tensei!
Gai and Bee sent flying back
Gai; He finally resorted o Rinnegan...urgh...
Bee: Dayum...just like the other guy...
Tobi: The 8 tails is mine.
Tobi appears behind Bee and starts absorbing his chakra.
Tobi: !?
Samehada's handle came out from the ground and wrapped around Tobi's foot.
Bee: You suck mine I suck homo.
Tobi: Tricky bastard. Tobi phases away.
Kakashi: how long Naruto?
Naruto: Almost....
Tobi appears behind Naruto
Kakashi: Shit!!!
Tobi's hand is on Naruto
Tobi: !?? Tobi's face starts warping away
Kakashi is looking at him with mangekyou.
Tobi looks back, his sharingan starts spinning.
Kakashi's kamui is cancelled.
Kakashi: Again...his own
Tobi; I told you that technique won't work on me. Now you're finished.
Kakashi: Not quite.
The Naruto in front of Tobi blows up into smoke.
Out comes Kakashi with a Raikiri aimed at Tobi
Tobi absorbed the Raikiri, leaving Kakashi's basic hand on his face.
Kakashi: This is it!
Kakashi grabs the mask and tries to remove it
Kakashi fazes through it, followed by Tobi grabbing Kakashi's vest.
Tobi: Goodbye.
Tobi starts absorbing Kakashi
Tobi is punched into his Gedo Mazo by Naruto, leaving his mask cracked even more.
Tobi: I see...
Naruto: This ends now.
Last panel has Naruto in BM, Kakashi, Bee with Samehada, and 6th Gated Gai with nun-chucks.
Chapter end.
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