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"Once Save Always Save", Agree kau?

Nag-aasume ka na naman na copy paste ang mga reply ko. minsan kasi sa bagal ng koneksyon, ay hindi ma lod ang buong page ng symbianize. kadalasan ay sira ang layout na makikita mo sa browser kaya't minsan di masyado maganda ang pag-kaka arrange ng paragraph, 2nd, dahil nasa office ako at pumupuslit ng access, kaya pinapaliit ko ang browser para di mahalata na nag-oonline ako kaya di ko masyado makita ang buong hitsura ng reply ko lalo na't may kahabaan pa ito.

you know, you can use the "wrap quote" icon para mas maayos. parang ganito.

kung walang icon, you can use this code before the text (quote) just change the ( ) into [ ]...... and you could add this code after the text (/quote) change all the same the parentheses into [ ]

saka, wehhh.. denial ka naman di daw copy paste. mga verses ng pinagpopost mo copy paste yan. dont tell me you momorized the whole texts of the bible? a person with that ability would not be so stupid to understand texts and information. (just kidding with the stupid calling)

ayan, dapat magtanong ka kung paano maiintindihan pag wala kang naiintindihan.

may side comment pa? hahaha. kaya ko yan tinanong dahil mukhang hindi mo alam ang pinagsasabi mo. and being like that, the engagement is not going anywhere but goes round and round.. begging the question.

Una, God promised that whosoever will receive His Son will become a part of His family. Kapag unbeliever ka, obvious naman na hindi ka pa part ng family ni God di ba?, so kailan ka naging part ng family niya? After you accepted his Son. John 1:12. All believers are predestined to become a part of His family through adoption, because there's only one begotten Son.
To become a part of His family is one of the blessings a believer will receive aside from salvation. Salvation when a person no longer have to suffer the second death after he dies because of sin.

so kaulan nangyayari ang salvation?
in the future?
after you're part of god's family?
before you're part of god's family?

how do you understand the verse 13 of the verse you've provided?

To become a part of the family is another thing, it is promised by God, that a person once accepts Christ, he will receive this heavenly blessings aside from salvation:

so you are saying that being a part of god's family is not being sure, nonetheless, of your salvation because salvation is different from being part of god's family?

1. To partaker of God's promises to Israel. We will be united with God's chosen people to carry out the Lord's ministry. As you can see, believer's are predestined not to salvation but to service. Anywhere in the Bible, you found the idea of predestination, it is always involved in service.

could you pls provide verses other than eph. 1 which you undoubtedly misintepreted?

2. Adoption

adoption to what? and verses.

3. The Holy Spirit

what happens with the hs? verses

4. Candidacy for baptism

baptism of what? verses. partake the Lord's supper

6. Justification

7. Sanctification

provide verses
and it must be linked to accpting christ.

Ang sagot ko ay No. Di mo ba binasa? Ang sagot ko ay No. At dinagdagan ko ng declarative statement because because your caliber is terrible.

ay di ko nabasa. ang nabasa ko lang yung statement mo na ako ang stupid something something :D:D

If you noticed, which apparently not, I always support my answers with Bible passages. i only answer logically to logical questions. And i expect from an intelligent reader to answer my logical questions with logical answer, not with some kind of stu*** questions.

stop pointing at yourself.

Dahil, nag-pa promise ito ng mas maraming benefits kaysa luma kung cp. Kahit kontento ka na, kung may makikita kang mas beneficial, it's up to you to decide kung pipiliin mo ba ang bago o hinde, bakit bibili ang iba ng bagong cellphone kahit may cellphone na sila? . Kung kontento ka na sa cp mo at ayaw mo palitan, bahala ka, dahil marami iba jan na kapag may bago, ay bibilhin talaga lalo na't may libreng internet.

naiintindihan mo ba ang ibig sabihin ng kontento? mukhang hinde.

kung ang lahat ng tao sa mundo ay close minded, marahil totoo ang sagot mo pero ang tanong ko, ano ang purpose ng advertisement? simple lang, to catch attention and interest of the people. bakit may-ads? dahil ang mga tao ay wala pang interes dahil marahil hindi pa nila nabalitaan ang bago, at kailangan ipaalam diba.

kung hndi ka na kontento sa CP mo, saka ka lang titingin ng iba. napakasimple.
pati grade 1 alam yan :D

Ang mga tao ay walang interes tumira sa evacuation center, pero pag-nagaanounce ang radyo,tv, na may paparating na bagyo at kailangan ng lumikas, bakit sila lumikas? kasi naniniwala sila sa news. may mga taong matigas ang ulo, kaya't naiiwan sa baha.

Romans 3:

10As it is written:

“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.

Hahaha, and you're saying that this people are programmed to not to believe on Paul?

papaano mo maiintindihan e di mo nga alam kung ano ang free will at kung ano ang tinatawag na sovereignty of god.

alamin mo muna kung ano ang mga yan.

what is free will?
is god sovereign?

The statement is very clear that Isiah
was sent to these people who in the first placed rejected God and continue on their sins. There God had taken away their understanding for even if they understood already in the first place, it did not benefit for the problem is in the heart.

sabi mo god has taken their understanding
tas sasabihin mo they understood?

ano ka, pinagloloko mo ang sarili mo :D:rofl:

The prophecy was fulfilled, people understood the simple truth e.g, do not bow to graven images,. But still they ignore these truths and deny like they don't understand at all. So God will take away their understanding.

fulfilled? then, it is no longer aplicable to this milieu? how come?
what is the difference between the prophet's time, paul's time and today's time?

so god has no longer blinded their eyes and plugged their ears, and hardened their hearts?

god must have given understanding to everyone now?


God did inject people some kind of a program that will activate on the given time. Ito ang nakikita ko sa mga arguments mo. Which is entirely alien in the Bible. Para saan ba ang mga turo ni Jesus? Bakit hindi lahat ng tao ay naniniwala sa kanya? Jesus preached to the Pharisees, the rich young ruler, and even at His dying moment people denied Him? Are these programmed to not to believe on him? It will be a waste of time if ang Diyos mismo ang may kagustuhan na hindi maniniwala ang mga ito in the first place.

dint jesus came to find the lose sheep? or did he come to find the lose goat?

Romans chapter 10:1. Nagdadasal si Paul para sa kaligtasan.

basahin mong maigi. for who?

2Pet 3:9 says that God's will for everyone is for them to be saved therefore everyone is called to repent.

but will he save everyone?


Mali po. Maling mali. Based on your arguments,hindi mo siguor binasa ang Revelation ano? i think you're a former Jehova's witness, but i'm not sure. 'doctrine of Hell and Second death is another thing', let's stick to the subject.

i was not a part of teh reglion jehova's witnesses.

ano ang sabi sa revelation?

Yes, at mapapabilang ka sa kanila soon, the Bible says.

ay... ganun?

si essau siguro ay nasa impyerno na ngayon.. ilang libong taon nang naghihirap... for just a hundred years of life on the earth with some wrong decision?


merciful..just, loving god is it!

mukhang sabi ata sa revelation e... the sea will bring forth all those deads who were in it.. the land the same.. then the final judgement.

awww... ilang judgement meron?

mukhang madami....

e sino pa ang ilalabas ng dagat kung nasa impyerno na sila?

stupid dogma!

dahil sinasabi nilang ganito.. naniwala ka naman without studying it.

well, that's called indoctrination. kung anong kinalakihan mahirap pakawalan. ganyan talaga e.

Kaya nga hinihikayat ang lahat na magsibalik sila sa Panginoon. Tanggapin nila si Kristo para hindi sila mapaparusahan. Did you know that after Chriat died, he suffered in Hell 3 days? Yes, he was there for he bore the sins of mankind.

hell is grave. dint you know? sheol.

and jesus said to the thief, "you shall be with me in paradise" e naghirap pala sya sa hell ng 3 days? asan ang paradise nung thief? syempre, "with me" sabi ni kristo, e di kasama nya.. naghirap din ang thief.

hay nako.

alexandrian teachings.

This is to show how Holy God is. And we should take His words seriously.

ok so god is holy that he hates sinners so much that he is willing to make the sinners suffer everlasting for a short time of living on this earth.

he is holy that he enjoys seeing them suffering forever for a wrong action.

mas ok pa pala si zeus kesa sa kanya.

Not a dict but a compass?

i'll define it in one word. 'marked'. They are marked according to the will of God.

they are marked according to the will of god to do service?

hahaha.. kakaiba. kakatawa.

by Christ. basahin mo ang verse. ano ang pag-iintindi mo sa 'by'?

post the verse and ill tell you

Yes, i agree. Because only believers are predestined to serve God. only believers are predestined and marked by God to recieve the Holy Spirit, to be justified, to be sanctified, to become a part of His family. To the lost sinners, God will never include them in his family. Mahirap ba talaga intindihin to? Ganyan ba kababaw ang pag-iisip ng mga atis? Pati ang Diyos dinediny na nila.

predestined to serve god.

if one is predestined to serve god, then he must have been predestined/elected first to be a believer? tma po ba?

in your dreams.

to be adopted as sons of God is another thing, salvation is another thing, a person is destined to receive these heavenly blessings once he is in Christ. God also promise that we are partakers of the blessings God promised to Abraham. Everyone will be part of His Holy Nation even if he is not a Jew. That's the context of Romans chapter 9.

predestine to be adopted as sons of god.. hindi to recieve blessings. ewwwww...

verse 5. basa.

bakit ako magfofocus sa five? paano mo maiintindihan ang context ng verse kung hindi mo babasahin ang puno't dulo nito. Yan ang isa sa mga problema mo. Ang gusto mo lang basahin ay ang verse na u assumed in agreements sa mga pinanindigan mo.

di mo binsa yung explanation ko sa eph ano?

Example. Ecclesiates 1:2. kung babashin mo ng pauli-ulit yan, aakalain mo talaga na ang sinasabi ni Solomon ay lahat ng bagay ay walang kabuluhan.

FYI, lahat ng verse na binibigay mo, binabasa ko at binibigay ko ang aking interpretasyon nito.

kaya nga interpretasyon mo lang mahalaga.. di mo binabasa paliwanag ng iba.

Lightyears away

Siguro hindi mo binasa ang verse one ng Ephesians chapter 1 no?

'we' means the beleivers including Paul. 'ye' technically the believers at Ephesus, at can be applied to refer to all believers. Excluding Paul for Paul is the one who wrote the letter for them to know these things, Paul already knew these things. 'us' all the believers, jew or gentiles include Paul.

Simple analysis. I Paul and apostle of Jesus, wrote this letter for you('ye') to know the we(including me/Paul) are given heavenly blessings. Yes, All of us(all the believers) who are in Christ.

Ba't ang layo ng interpretasyon, kinakalawang na ata ang English mo ah.


magbasa ka kase para malaman mo.

you may want to read commentaries and expositions.

Yes tama ka dito. some are predestined, but not to salvation, but to service. Salvation is for all. Predestination to service, is for believers only.

you are blessed with gifts
because you are predestined in christ

what is predestined in christ?

you, before the world was created was in the mind of god to belong to christ.

you are predestined to be a son of god

you, before the world was created was initiated to be a son of god.

you are only focusing on heavenly gifts.

at least walls have eyes and ears.

eyes that are blind, and ears that are filled with wax


that is why, when you talk to a wall, everything you say bounces back to you. a wall cannot understand.

is faith a gift? or a decision?
A decision. A decision to accept that Christ is indeed the Savior

if is it a decision, how come christ is the author of your faith? if you are the one who decides, then, christ must not be the author of your faith. you must be your own author.

if it is a decision, then can you have pride on this that god justifices you for having a faith?
no, pride does not comes from faith, for faith is spiritual. pride comes from the flesh which is physical as differentiated in Romans chapter 8.

Faith is in line with Hope and Love.
Romans chapter 4 and chapter 9 confirms that faith is our way of accepting the promise. And is not counted as works, therefore it does not deny the grace mentioned in Ehp. 2:8.
Take a look at Romans 9:32.
Hebrews chapter 11 gives us the deep definition of Faith.

if it is a gift, then do you have anything to boast to god when you are justified for having a faith?
Salvation is the gift. We recieve the gift by faith/believing that Christ indeed is the Son of God, died for our sins to save us from Hell, and rose from the dead.

How do we get pride on accepting that we are hopeless sinners and our only chance is to accept His Son who died in our stead?

Romans 10:9-11.

If someone will die instead of you(let's say a friend, a brother or a sister or even one of your parents, or even just s stranger) because of your sins, will you feel proud on that?

Me, no of course. I will feel ashamed and I will thank that someone for saving my life. And I will try not to do the things anymore, those that cost him/her his/her life.

ok, i've given you my side on this.
I hope you will answer my arguments especially on Romans chapter 4.


ill read this next time.. tinamad ako magbasa.. i promise, ill read this
you know, you can use the "wrap quote" icon para mas maayos. parang ganito.

kung walang icon, you can use this code before the text (quote) just change the ( ) into [ ]...... and you could add this code after the text (/quote) change all the same the parentheses into [ ]
Thank you, but i have my own way of doing things.:lol: I'll just color my answers para di aksaya ng space.
saka, wehhh.. denial ka naman di daw copy paste. mga verses ng pinagpopost mo copy paste yan. dont tell me you momorized the whole texts of the bible? a person with that ability would not be so stupid to understand texts and information. (just kidding with the stupid calling)
i don't have to memorize all of them, any person with an ounce of brain should never wonder how i am able to type the whole texts of bible verses. i have a small King James Bible on my desk, Dahil sa bagal ng koneksyon,di na ako mag-oopen ng Bible sites.


may side comment pa? hahaha. kaya ko yan tinanong dahil mukhang hindi mo alam ang pinagsasabi mo. and being like that, the engagement is not going anywhere but goes round and round.. begging the question.

mahirap ka lang makakaintindi.
so kaulan nangyayari ang salvation?
in the future?
after you're part of god's family?
before you're part of god's family?

After accepting Christ, Sabay-sabay mo matatanngap ito.
how do you understand the verse 13 of the verse you've provided?

as i have told you, a single verse could be very misleading kung di mo babasahin ang puno't dulo. The statement started from verse tweleve, sa lahat na tumanggap sa Anak. being born of God is not by blood, not by will of man(hindi tao ang may kagustuhan na ipabilang ka sa mga anak ng Diyos) but by the will of God(ang Diyos mismo ang may kagustuhan na ipabilang sa kanyang pamilya)

look at the actual verse:

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

'Which' refers to 'many' and who receive him and 'them' that believe in his name. Take note all people are born of blood except Christ, therefore a person being born into the family of God is being born by the will of God.
so you are saying that being a part of god's family is not being sure, nonetheless, of your salvation because salvation is different from being part of god's family?

Here's a simple answer.
Being part of God's family and being saved is two different blessings that God has promised to all who will believe His Son. These two however are received at the same time, when is that time? After you receive Christ. These two are inseparable.
If you're part of God's family, then you are saved. If you are saved then you are part of God's family. If you are saved, therefore you are sure.


could you pls provide verses other than eph. 1 which you undoubtedly misintepreted?

adoption to what? and verses.

John 1:12. Romans 8.

what happens with the hs? verses
Eph 1:13. Romans 8. Titus 3:5-7

baptism of what? verses.
water. Acts 8:26-40.

provide verses
and it must be linked to accpting christ.


ay di ko nabasa. ang nabasa ko lang yung statement mo na ako ang stupid something something :D:D

Isa yan sa mga problema mo.

stop pointing at yourself.

naiintindihan mo ba ang ibig sabihin ng kontento? mukhang hinde.

kung hndi ka na kontento sa CP mo, saka ka lang titingin ng iba. napakasimple.
pati grade 1 alam yan :D

ang mga tumitingin sa iba ay contento na sana sa CP nila, kung di lang lumabas ang bagong model, na nakita nila sa ads. kaya nawala ang pagiging kontento nila at bumili.
tulad din yan sa Gospel, ang kadalasan may Bible sa bahay, pero di binabasa, pero may nakapagsabi na dapat basahin ang Bible kaya't naisipang bumasa at dun nalaman ang katotohanan.

Romans 3:

10As it is written:

“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.

paulit-ulit. no one seeks God for they did not hear the truth yet. Romans 10:1-17. Basahin mo nga.

papaano mo maiintindihan e di mo nga alam kung ano ang free will at kung ano ang tinatawag na sovereignty of god.

alamin mo muna kung ano ang mga yan.

what is free will?
is god sovereign?

i already given you my answers on this. di mo naman binasa. kahit anong pilit kung ipaintindi sayo ang sagot ko, kung di mo babasahin ang mga binigay kung mga verses, baliwala din yun.

sabi mo god has taken their understanding
tas sasabihin mo they understood?

ano ka, pinagloloko mo ang sarili mo :D:rofl:

Throughout the history of Israel, it is recorded that many times, again and again, they rejected God's commandments, even the most obvious commandments like no other Gods before me. Therefore God decided to take away their understanding.
2Peter 2:21-22. Gets mo na?


fulfilled? then, it is no longer aplicable to this milieu? how come?
what is the difference between the prophet's time, paul's time and today's time?

Sinabi ko lang fullfilled, kasi ang ibig ko sabihin nangyayari yun sa panahon ni Paul, at nangyayari din ngayon. Di ko sinabi specifically fullfilled sa panahon lang ni Paul.

mukhang malala ka na talaga

so god has no longer blinded their eyes and plugged their ears, and hardened their hearts?

god must have given understanding to everyone now?



dint jesus came to find the lose sheep? or did he come to find the lose goat?

He came to seek and save that which was lost as stated in Luke 19:10. Please review the story of Jesus and Zaccheus to understand my point.

i want to hear from you, if who are you referring to when you talk about sheep or goat? can you give me verse that supports your view regarding this two animal?

then i will proceed with my explanation on this.


basahin mong maigi. for who?

In this chapter (Romans 10), Paul is praying for the salvation of Israel. Then he continue in the following verses that Israel has a zeal for God but the problem is that they are ignorant about God's way of salvation, thus they create their own way. The way of salvation is stated in verses 9-13. Then he continued that the problem is that they did not heard the way yet, for salvation is by faith and faith comes from hearing the word of God.
supporting verse for this argument.

1 Timothy 2:4-6.Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”

but will he save everyone?

Intindihin mo mabuti ang verse sa taas. Kahit kambing makakaintidi sa linaw ng pagkakasabi ni Paul kay timothy.
He wants to save everyone. All who comes to repentance.
Not all will be saved, because not all will believe on this Good news.John 5:40, Matt 23:37.


i was not a part of teh reglion jehova's witnesses.

ano ang sabi sa revelation?

Out of topic

ay... ganun?

si essau siguro ay nasa impyerno na ngayon.. ilang libong taon nang naghihirap... for just a hundred years of life on the earth with some wrong decision?


merciful..just, loving god is it!

He died to save you.

mukhang sabi ata sa revelation e... the sea will bring forth all those deads who were in it.. the land the same.. then the final judgement.

awww... ilang judgement meron?
more than one. Merong Judgement Seat of Christ, Meron ding The great white throne Judgement, meron ding Judgment after death. E-google mo nalang kaya para may idea ka.

mukhang madami....

e sino pa ang ilalabas ng dagat kung nasa impyerno na sila?

stupid dogma!

stupid? ikaw nga ang tamad magbasa.
dahil sinasabi nilang ganito.. naniwala ka naman without studying it.

another assumption, FYI. I studied it.

well, that's called indoctrination. kung anong kinalakihan mahirap pakawalan. ganyan talaga e.

another assumption. I was once a catholic, so iba ang kinlakihan ko kaysa pinaninindigan ko ngaun.

hell is grave. dint you know? sheol.

sheol is grave. i know. Hell in the Old Testament refers to grave, synonimous to Sheol. In New Testament, Hell is eternal punishment. That's why it is called the second death.

and jesus said to the thief, "you shall be with me in paradise" e naghirap pala sya sa hell ng 3 days? asan ang paradise nung thief? syempre, "with me" sabi ni kristo, e di kasama nya.. naghirap din ang thief.

hay nako.

alexandrian teachings.

marami ka pang di naiintindihan magbasa ka muna at focus ka sa topic natin. mmya ka na mag-tanong ng tanong ng kung ano-ano.


ok so god is holy that he hates sinners so much that he is willing to make the sinners suffer everlasting for a short time of living on this earth.

he is holy that he enjoys seeing them suffering forever for a wrong action.

Jesus would never have died for us if God enjoyd seeing someone in Hell. But, this people continued on thier sins and rejected thier God. God is a jealous God. that's why.


mas ok pa pala si zeus kesa sa kanya.

Cgeh,magdasal ka kay Zeus.


they are marked according to the will of god to do service?

hahaha.. kakaiba. kakatawa.

wla kanang magagawa,, ito ang totoo.

Basahin mo Jude 1:1. Who are the sanctified? 1Cor 6:9-11. By who? By election? No, but in the name of the Lord.


post the verse and ill tell you



predestined to serve god.

if one is predestined to serve god, then he must have been predestined/elected first to be a believer? tma po ba?


what do you expect from a person who just graduated from a pilot school? to fyl a plane, of course.

are you expecting that person who is not yet a pilot would fly a passenger jumbo jet?

Did you get the idea? Only the believer are expected to carry out the Lord's ministry. The unbelievers are aliens and strangers of Israel. God promised that through his seed, Abraham will be a grat nation. Christ fulfilled that promise. By Christ, believers are no longer aliens,but part of the holy nation, chosen to carry out the Lord's ministry. Napakarami ko na verse na binigay sayo ah. Hindi mo pa rin ma gets?


predestine to be adopted as sons of god.. hindi to recieve blessings. ewwwww...

being adopted as one of the sons of God isn't a blessing?


verse 5. basa.

verse 1-5... basahin mo.


di mo binsa yung explanation ko sa eph ano?

binasa ko. maling-mali.


kaya nga interpretasyon mo lang mahalaga.. di mo binabasa paliwanag ng iba.


i read all of it. wrong interpretation, because it is based on wrong principles.


magbasa ka kase para malaman mo.

you may want to read commentaries and expositions.

you have no idea.

i'm reading even Bible encyclopedia by W. Cloud.

Stong's Concordance, Wilmington's guide to the bible.

The Biblical Doctrine of Election and Predestination
by Edward Rice. I have access to our church library.


you are blessed with gifts
because you are predestined in christ

what is predestined in christ?

you, before the world was created was in the mind of god to belong to christ.

the believer, only the believer. the letter was written for the saints at Ephesus.

before the world was created, the all-knowing God sees that i will accept His son, thus, he prepared these blessings for me.


you are predestined to be a son of god

you, before the world was created was initiated to be a son of god.

yes, i am predestined, because i believed. not because he programmed me to believe, but because some preacher asked my attention, preach the gospel to me, and ask me to accept Christ of which I did. by the grace of God, i am saved. I accepted his gift, his grace.

God alreay knew before time began that this will happen, not because he programmed, be he knew that this will be my decision.

you are only focusing on heavenly gifts.

this is the subject of Eph 1, how come we will no focus on them?


eyes that are blind, and ears that are filled with wax


that is why, when you talk to a wall, everything you say bounces back to you. a wall cannot understand.

i rather talk to a wall than sell my computer to a snail.


if is it a decision, how come christ is the author of your faith? if you are the one who decides, then, christ must not be the author of your faith. you must be your own author.

you did not really understood what'author' means did you?
it simply means, he is the one we should believe and accept, if there is no Christ? sino tatanggapin natin? he is the subject of our faith, the author and the finisher, it means, siya lang at wala ng iba. you accepted or rejected something because he offers something. salvation is what he offers. how did we know he offers, by hearing His Words, then it is our decision.

ill read this next time.. tinamad ako magbasa.. i promise, ill read this

ok, i'll wait. take your time on studying. sana magbalik ang tiwala mo sa kanya. marami ka lang hinde naiintindihan noon kaya't humantong ka sa pagiging atis.
Last edited:
this is worst!

you are not realizing that you are self-contradicting. lol.

analyze all your answers and realize the self-contradicting statements you have.
however, if you cannot analyze them, ask me to point out the contradictions in your statements.
this is worst!

you are not realizing that you are self-contradicting. lol.

magpalusot ka kay charles darwin, dahil walang contradiction sa mga sinabi ko.

analyze all your answers and realize the self-contradicting statements you have.
however, if you cannot analyze them, ask me to point out the contradictions in your statements.

contradictions? magpalusot ka kay darwin at kay kingkong. akala nyo kasi mga atis ay kau lang ang nagbabasa at kau lang marunong mag-study. Yan si Pastor Edward Rice, author ng Biblical Doctrine of Predestination by Election ay former USAF systems engineer. Pero nananalig sa Diyos. Tapos kau puro salita lang at yabang ang alam, ang lakas ng loob e-deny ang Diyos. Ang nakikita ko, pasikat lang kau, nag-aasta kung sinong matalino, wala naman palang naiintindihan.

as expected, wala ka ng masagot, kaya't magpalusot ka nalang. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

ask you?

hindi mo pa nga nasagot ang mga arguments ko.

kung wala ka ng masagot, aminin mo lang. di ko naman hangad na makipag-debate at manalo, ang gusto ko lang ay linawin ang mga bagay-bagay.

i'll be waiting for your reply on this soon. especially on Romans chapter 4 and 9 regarding what you said that acceptance by faith is works, please give your explanation on this.

ako naman ang magtanong, sabi mo God will not save all because He already selected before the creation the people that are going to be saved. At sabi mo Christ died only for the selected 'some'. so in other words, it is not God's will that all will be saved. now, how will you explain:

1 Timothy 2:4-6.Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”

At since, napakarami mong tanong, sana makapagbigay ka ng counter-arguments sa lahat ng binigay kong sagot sayo.

Lahat ng pasikot-sikot mo tanong sa last reply mo sinagot ko na,at kung may mali man, magpaliwanag ka with supporting verse kung bakit mali. Nagbigay na ako ng mga supporting verses sa interpetation ko sa Eph 1, di ko alam kung isa-isa mo nga binasa at binigyan oras para ma-analyze.. Now it's you turn to answer and give supporting verses.

I'll be waiting. Thanks.
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ill take you after a day or two. medyo tinatamad lang ako mag type kase nakakabagot na hindi mo pala naiintindihan mga sinasabi ko at di mo narerealize na kontra kontra ang mga sinasabi mo.

wait ko lang na mtanggal yung feeling na "tamad" at ill engage you again. :)

wait lang po.
ill take you after a day or two. medyo tinatamad lang ako mag type kase nakakabagot na hindi mo pala naiintindihan mga sinasabi ko at di mo narerealize na kontra kontra ang mga sinasabi mo.

wait ko lang na mtanggal yung feeling na "tamad" at ill engage you again. :)

wait lang po.

Ok, i'll respect your feeling. But i want to make it clear to you na walang contradiction sa mga points ko. Dahil kung meron man, sinasabi na rin natin na contradicting ang mga verses sa Bible which is very impossible.

Ito lang mga main points ko.

Predestination simply means "marked", selected.

Doctrine of Predestination is applicable for believers only.

Believers are predestined to receive heavenly blessings that i've mention.

Believers are predestined to carry out the Lord's ministry. To do service for God.

Believers are predestined to be adopted.

Believers are predestined to live a godly life and obey the commandments.

Believers are predestined to understand the Word of God.

Believers are predestined to Receive the Holy Spirit.
Before the creation, God already knew those people who will decide to Receive His Son. Thus he already prepared these things before the creation to be receive by these people he saw in the future that will receive his Son. That's why it is called predestination.

If we say that God will be the one to declare or select the people that will be saved, that would deny God's nature. As presented in the Old testament in the life of Israel(i insist to read the Old testament verse that i've given you.), where many times he sent prophets for people to repent and turn back to God.

What will happen is, people who suffer in Hell will blame God for not electing them. Which is not in the teaching of Bible. People suffer death because of sin. Not because they are not selected.

Faith and repentance are not works. Romans chapter 4 and 9 confirms this. Hebrews 11 gives us the definition of faith, nowhere in the chapter is found the idea that it is counted as works. James chapter 2, differentiate works and faith(and faith based on knowledge which is the faith of the devils,this faith can't save.)Faith without a good result, is a sign of false faith, thus it cannot save. Faith that comes from the heart not just by tongue, (note: "if a man SAY he has faith") is the faith that can save. (Romans 10:9-11.)

ito na cguro final attempt ko na para maliwanagan ka at magbalik sa Diyos, kung di pa rin, Siya na ang bahala sa iyo.

Thanks. :salute::salute::salute:
I am a Christian Catholic,
and I realize that Atheist and Agnostic
does make sense during debates.

Stick on your faith guyz. Baka ma infra kayo.
Live peacefully :)
Si Judas na nagkanulo kay Jesus nuon na not only a member but an Apostles if "Once Save, Always Save" Save pa rin ba iyon?
hnd nawawala ang kaligtasan ito po ay regalo.

Kung ganito ang paniniwala nating mga Christian ano pa ung pinagkaiba natin sa ibang religion na nagsasabing ligtas sila, oo nga binigay na libre ng Diyos ang kaligtasan but it doesn't mean na natatapos na un don, ang libre don ay ung tanggapin natin sya but still kailangan nating magpersevere until the end
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Parang lubid lang yan eh, kung tayoy patuloy na hahawak sa pagkakakapit di tayo mahuhulog pero kung tayo ay bibitaw mahuhulog talaga tayo, at di tayo maliligtas. Ganyan din ang kaligtasan mga minamahal, tayoy ligtas na kung tayoy patuloy na manghahawak sa kaligtasan na ibinigay sa atin ng panginoon sa pamagitan ng patuloy na pagpili natin na tuparin ang kalooban niya.
Si Judas na nagkanulo kay Jesus nuon na not only a member but an Apostles if "Once Save, Always Save" Save pa rin ba iyon?

Ano sa tingin mo? At bakit. Yun lang ang katanungan ko sa iyo.

Gusto ko basahin mo muli ang John 3:5-8. Kung naiintindihan mo ang mga verses na ito, paki explain lang, masasabi ko na may naiintindihan ka about savation . Pero kung mali ang explanation mo. Then accept first the Lord Jesus so that you will be saved. Thank you.
Parang lubid lang yan eh, kung tayoy patuloy na hahawak sa pagkakakapit di tayo mahuhulog pero kung tayo ay bibitaw mahuhulog talaga tayo, at di tayo maliligtas. Ganyan din ang kaligtasan mga minamahal, tayoy ligtas na kung tayoy patuloy na manghahawak sa kaligtasan na ibinigay sa atin ng panginoon sa pamagitan ng patuloy na pagpili natin na tuparin ang kalooban niya.

Pasensya na, pero napaka-babaw ng pananaw mo about salvation.
Kung sa tingin nating mga tao, ganito ang kaligatasan, pwes, ang Bible mismon ang nagsasabi na iba ang pamamaraan ng Diyos.
Sana kung magbibigay tayo ng punto, suportahan natin ng verse na tama ang pag-kaka interpret para maliwanagan ang bawat isa, at huwag natin ihalintulad ang mga aral ng Bible sa mga aral ng mga alamat.

John 10:27-29. Please take note, kung tayo ba ang kumakapit or ang mismo ang Diyos na ang humahawak sa atin.

Romans chapter 8. Pakibasa, kung meron ba pwede makakapaghiwalay sa atin sa Diyos?

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I am a Christian Catholic,
and I realize that Atheist and Agnostic
does make sense during debates.

Stick on your faith guyz. Baka ma infra kayo.
Live peacefully :)

Bakit mo masasabing Christian ka nga?

Atheist and Agnostic are good on finding holes about what a person believes, but if you ask them to write the things that they stand for, it will crack their head.:slap::slap::slap:
MAG ISIP KAYO NG ANY LOGICAL REASONS PARA KA MA SAVE NG ANY GOOD WORKS NYO? OR LAHAT LAHAT NG GOOD WORKS NG TAO PAGSAMA SAMAHIN NA NATIN, LAHAT NG GOOD WORKS NATIN PAGSAMA-SAMAHIN NA NATIN, Timbangin natin sa lahat ng unintetional Sins na nagagawa natin sa bawat araw, SAPAT ba itong good works natin para masave tayo? hindi , dahil lahat ng good works natin ay basahan lang yan sa harap ng Dios kaya wala tayong ma ihaharap sa kanya.

Ang totoo Naligtas tayo dahil sa kamatayan at pagkabuhay na muli ni JESU-KRISTO. kahit gumawa ka ng mabuti or masama, walang kinalaman yan sa kaligtasan, dahil di mo naman kayang iligtas ang sarili mo, Niligtas tayo ni Hesu-Kristo dahil na awa na Sya sa sangkatauhan kaya yun ang kailangang panampalatayanan or Maniwala ka na lang sa ginawang pagliligtas sa iyo ni Kristo.

Ang totoo wala naman taong hindi nagkakasala, kahit born again ka pa, Kahit Christian ka pa, kahit Pari ka pa, kahit Madre ka pa, kahit pastor ka pa, kahit ministro ka pa, lahat ng Tao nagkakasala at magkakasala pa hanggang nabubuhay dito sa mundo. kaya hindi natin pwedeng gamiting batayan ng kaligtasa ang mga mabubuting gawa.

Gumagawa ka ng mabuti? mabuti iyan, alam mo bang ang Demonyo ay gumagawa din ng mabuti? Nagdadasal ka ba? mabuti iyan, ALAM MO BANG ANG MGA DEMONYO AY NAGDADASAL DIN? Lahat ng kayang gawin ng Tao ay kaya ding gawin ng demonyo.

ang isang bagay na hindi lang niya kaya ay ang Maniwala na ang Kaligtasan ay sa pamamagitan ng KAMATAYAN at PAGKABUHAY na Muli ni HESU-KRISTO.

Pasensya na, pero napaka-babaw ng pananaw mo about salvation.
Kung sa tingin nating mga tao, ganito ang kaligatasan, pwes, ang Bible mismon ang nagsasabi na iba ang pamamaraan ng Diyos.
Sana kung magbibigay tayo ng punto, suportahan natin ng verse na tama ang pag-kaka interpret para maliwanagan ang bawat isa, at huwag natin ihalintulad ang mga aral ng Bible sa mga aral ng mga alamat.

John 10:27-29. Please take note, kung tayo ba ang kumakapit or ang mismo ang Diyos na ang humahawak sa atin.

Romans chapter 8. Pakibasa, kung meron ba pwede makakapaghiwalay sa atin sa Diyos?


Okay po for your own sake and for the sake of the readers i will explain the verse you have given me. Doesn't the bible teach that once you come to Jesus you can never jose your salvation? Jn. 10:28 states "and i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of mine hand."
Coming to Jesus, accepting His forgiveness by faith, receiving His grace, we receive the gift of eternal life (Eph. 2:8, Rom. 3:22-25). Salvation is a free gift. It is not something we earn by our obidience. Salvation is by grace through faith. When the Philippian jailer asked,"What must i do to be saved?" Paul responded, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 16:30,31). Belief is a function of the will. The same mind which chooses to believe can choose to disbelieve and unbelief leads to spiritual death (Heb. 3:12-14). If we do not hold our confidence in God to the end, we will develop a heart of unbelief. "He that endures until the end shall be saved, (Mt. 24:13. We are saved only if we keep in memory what was preached and live the life of faith (1 Cor. 15:1,2). It is always possible to return to the old life of sin, have our names blotted out of the book of life and be eternally lost (2 Pet. 2:19-22, Rev. 3:5, 1 Cor. 9:27). The word which Paul uses for cast away in in Cor. 9:27 is the same word that is used in Jer. 6:30 for those who are burned and ultimately lost. In Jn. 10:28, when we come to Jesus we received eternal life. Just as His coming into the heart by faith brings life , our unbelief brings spiritual death. We cannot be unborn, but we can die. Nothing can take us from His hand except our own choice.
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Okay po for your own sake and for the sake of the readers i will explain the verse you have given me. Doesn't the bible teach that once you come to Jesus you can never jose your salvation? Jn. 10:28 states "and i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of mine hand."
Coming to Jesus, accepting His forgiveness by faith, receiving His grace, we receive the gift of eternal life (Eph. 2:8, Rom. 3:22-25). Salvation is a free gift. It is not something we earn by our obidience. Salvation is by grace through faith. When the Philippian jailer asked,"What must i do to be saved?" Paul responded, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 16:30,31). Belief is a function of the will. The same mind which chooses to believe can choose to disbelieve and unbelief leads to spiritual death (Heb. 3:12-14). If we do not hold our confidence in God to the end, we will develop a heart of unbelief. "He that endures until the end shall be saved, (Mt. 24:13. We are saved only if we keep in memory what was preached and live the life of faith (1 Cor. 15:1,2). It is always possible to return to the old life of sin, have our names blotted out of the book of life and be eternally lost (2 Pet. 2:19-22, Rev. 3:5, 1 Cor. 9:27). The word which Paul uses for cast away in in Cor. 9:27 is the same word that is used in Jer. 6:30 for those who are burned and ultimately lost. In Jn. 10:28, when we come to Jesus we received eternal life. Just as His coming into the heart by faith brings life , our unbelief brings spiritual death. We cannot be unborn, but we can die. Nothing can take us from His hand except our own choice.

Taman na sana mga sinabi kaya lang, nagkamali ka sa second phase ng iyong paliwanag. Alam mo, ayaw ko na mag-simula na naman ng isang debate kasi pagod na ako. Hindi na nga nag-reply saking yung isang atheist jan.

This is just my main point.
Mt. 24:13 is about the great Tribulation Period, where the era of grace has already ended.

Cor 9:27? if you refer to 1cor 9:27, please expand your explanation.

"We cannot be unborn, but we can die." If this is about John 3:5, you don't get my point regarding this verse. In order for us to connect, please state your interpretation on this.

2 Pet. 2:19-22, hindi mo pala binasa ang mga binigay ko na mga verses.
Kaya ka nagbigay nito. Basahin mo muna Romans chapter 8. Para may idea ka kung ano ang target ni Peter sa statement na ito.

except our own choice? Opinion mo yan.

But the Bible teaches that once a believer, you are no longer the master of your self.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

In literal saying, Since you guys are already saved, bought by the blood of Christ, do not retur to your evil deeds. Your master is God, not yourself anymore.

What if i continue to sin and rebel against the Holy Spirit and the Romans chapter 8?
Anser: 1Cor. 5:5, it's better for you to die physically.

Para saan pa't iniligtas tau kung mababawi lang tayo.

(Eph. 2:8, Rom. 3:22-25). Salvation is a free gift. It is not something we earn by our obidience. Salvation is by grace through faith. When the Philippian jailer asked,"What must i do to be saved?" Paul responded, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 16:30,31). Belief is a function of the will.

I agree with you on this, and take note, hindi nakalagay jan na "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and endure to the end"."

Eph. 2:8, then Paul continued on verse 9. "Lest any one should boast". Did you get his point why he add this statement?"
Dahil ayaw ng Diyos na may magyabang sa kanya na nag-endure to the end ang isang tao para makamtan ang kaligtasan na tinanggap lamang niya mula kay Kristo na kanyang nag-iisang Anak.
Thank you.
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MAG ISIP KAYO NG ANY LOGICAL REASONS PARA KA MA SAVE NG ANY GOOD WORKS NYO? OR LAHAT LAHAT NG GOOD WORKS NG TAO PAGSAMA SAMAHIN NA NATIN, LAHAT NG GOOD WORKS NATIN PAGSAMA-SAMAHIN NA NATIN, Timbangin natin sa lahat ng unintetional Sins na nagagawa natin sa bawat araw, SAPAT ba itong good works natin para masave tayo? hindi , dahil lahat ng good works natin ay basahan lang yan sa harap ng Dios kaya wala tayong ma ihaharap sa kanya.

Ang totoo Naligtas tayo dahil sa kamatayan at pagkabuhay na muli ni JESU-KRISTO. kahit gumawa ka ng mabuti or masama, walang kinalaman yan sa kaligtasan, dahil di mo naman kayang iligtas ang sarili mo, Niligtas tayo ni Hesu-Kristo dahil na awa na Sya sa sangkatauhan kaya yun ang kailangang panampalatayanan or Maniwala ka na lang sa ginawang pagliligtas sa iyo ni Kristo.

Ang totoo wala naman taong hindi nagkakasala, kahit born again ka pa, Kahit Christian ka pa, kahit Pari ka pa, kahit Madre ka pa, kahit pastor ka pa, kahit ministro ka pa, lahat ng Tao nagkakasala at magkakasala pa hanggang nabubuhay dito sa mundo. kaya hindi natin pwedeng gamiting batayan ng kaligtasa ang mga mabubuting gawa.

Gumagawa ka ng mabuti? mabuti iyan, alam mo bang ang Demonyo ay gumagawa din ng mabuti? Nagdadasal ka ba? mabuti iyan, ALAM MO BANG ANG MGA DEMONYO AY NAGDADASAL DIN? Lahat ng kayang gawin ng Tao ay kaya ding gawin ng demonyo.

ang isang bagay na hindi lang niya kaya ay ang Maniwala na ang Kaligtasan ay sa pamamagitan ng KAMATAYAN at PAGKABUHAY na Muli ni HESU-KRISTO.


I agree on this.:thumbsup:
freindly debate na lang po tagasan ka po ba? I harap mo yung pinaka magaling sa inyo at ihaharap ko naman yun saken in one condition , pag natalo ka namen aanib kayo pero pag kame natalo kame naman ang aanib ok po ba yun ka sb? Para makita naten kung sino talaga ang matimbang di po ba.
For me, Christian life is a race where it's not important who wins it but who finishes it. Kung tumakbo ka nga sa Christian life mo pero tumigil o sumuko ka naman, mapag-iiwanan ka rin, wala ka ring patutunguhan, sinayang mo lang lahat ng efforts mo.

Personally pinanghahawakan ko yung Once Saved, Always Saved. Pero naniniwala din ako na once God has put His judgment on you(pag namatay ka) at tyempong gumagawa ka ng bagay na labag sa kalooban Niya (backslide, adultery, etc.) then you will receive His wrath. So the key is to live faithful as you can as if any moment eh you will be facing the Great Judgment. As once Paul said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
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