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How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are wel

Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

ok po ba sa IBM daksh?

nag apply po kasi ako as back office

tanggap naman po sa awa ng diyos

mahirap po ba ang training?

need ko po ba talaga matuto ng english kahit sa nonvoice back office ang work ko?

Sir, do they also have a slot for part time?
I also want to apply as back office.
saang IBM Daksh ba yan?
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

huhuhu! rejected nanaman ako..

what is wrong with my grammar?
why does everytime i go for a try on a bpo i always got that same issue..
But still, that won't stop me! I'm still going for my dream job. I think there are at least 1500 more companies to try on..
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

1 hour away from an interview.
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

just be confident and :pray:...hehehe
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

huhuhu! rejected nanaman ako..

what is wrong with my grammar?
why does everytime i go for a try on a bpo i always got that same issue..
But still, that won't stop me! I'm still going for my dream job. I think there are at least 1500 more companies to try on..
Go for it, dude! You can do it. :beat:
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

Go for it, dude! You can do it. :beat:

oh thank you very much sir, i do really hope so.
Your posts here helped me a lot specially when i was about to compose my resume.
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

oh thank you very much sir, i do really hope so.
Your posts here helped me a lot specially when i was about to compose my resume.
If you like, apply ka sa amin. Harte-Hanks. Dito sa Market! Market!. Para may referral bonus ako pag natanggap ka. :yipee:
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

Haizt gusto din sanang i try sa BPO kaso ang Hina ko talaga sa english... :weep:... Guys may alam ba kayong Call center na hindi masyadong mataas ung standard nila pag dating sa english? :noidea:

gagawin ko lang training grounds... hehe
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

balita ko kakalas na harte hanks sa telus o kumalas na ba!?
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

Haizt gusto din sanang i try sa BPO kaso ang Hina ko talaga sa english... :weep:... Guys may alam ba kayong Call center na hindi masyadong mataas ung standard nila pag dating sa english? :noidea:

gagawin ko lang training grounds... hehe

apply ka sa mga fly-by- night call center di gaano mahigpit sa english yun basta maka quota ka.
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

balita ko kakalas na harte hanks sa telus o kumalas na ba!?
Wow, updated ka sa mga kul sintir happenings bro ah. :clap: The transition has started na.
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Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

dun pa rin sila sa market market ang harte hanks!? o lilipat ng ibang site matagal na kasi nababalita yan pag kalas ambergris solution pa lang usap usapan na yan.
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

huhuhu! rejected nanaman ako..

what is wrong with my grammar?
why does everytime i go for a try on a bpo i always got that same issue..
But still, that won't stop me! I'm still going for my dream job. I think there are at least 1500 more companies to try on..

just keep on trying sir. . .nagdaan din ako sa ganyan,di talaga madali makahanap ng work esp if bpo company ang target mu. . .learn from your mistake then later on malalaro mu na din ang mga itatanong sayo at maanticipate mu na din. . .:salute:
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

huhuhu! rejected nanaman ako..

what is wrong with my grammar?
why does everytime i go for a try on a bpo i always got that same issue..
But still, that won't stop me! I'm still going for my dream job. I think there are at least 1500 more companies to try on..

If you think theres nothing wrong with your grammar, there might be a little prob on how you deliver your ideas. You should be spontaneous and perky. ^^ stop fidgeting, dont be nervous.

Learn from your mistakes, and never stop believing that you can. ^^

badtrip kse ung ibang HR, at least they should've given us applicants, feedbacks and good advises. hindi ung pasa na lng ng pasa ng iloveyou letter pag bagsak ka. ^^.
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Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

first try, i failed.. The interviewer said dat if im n0t g0nna recieve any text and calls by the next day it means i did n0t pass the interview.. All in a sudden, i did n0t recieve any inf0rmati0n fr0m them T_T he said my ideas were gud and the way i speak was spontane0us but i need to impr0ve my accent to make it in an american way and corrected me for s0me w0rds that i mispr0n0unced during our c0nversati0n.. I was really expecting for a gud outc0me bc0z i did n0t receive any bad c0mment fr0m the interviewer haiz.. Maybe bcoz of dat questi0n in their applicati0n f0rm asking if am i always available anytime.. My answer was NO Bc0z i d0 have class on day time and i prefer to work a night time.. Does it affect my applicati0n? Huhu!
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

first try, i failed.. The interviewer said dat if im n0t g0nna recieve any text and calls by the next day it means i did n0t pass the interview.. All in a sudden, i did n0t recieve any inf0rmati0n fr0m them T_T he said my ideas were gud and the way i speak was spontane0us but i need to impr0ve my accent to make it in an american way and corrected me for s0me w0rds that i mispr0n0unced during our c0nversati0n.. I was really expecting for a gud outc0me bc0z i did n0t receive any bad c0mment fr0m the interviewer haiz.. Maybe bcoz of dat questi0n in their applicati0n f0rm asking if am i always available anytime.. My answer was NO Bc0z i d0 have class on day time and i prefer to work a night time.. Does it affect my applicati0n? Huhu!

Most likely, yes. Almost all BPO companies are on shifting schedules, so basically, they need people who are ok with that. and if your a starter, you cant demand for now. But once you got hired and started to work. You can just ask your manager if it is possible for you to stick on one sched. And one thing, it is not necessary to have an american accent, as long as you know how to pronounce B, V, P, F, S, SH, TH etc. properly and whats more important is grammar. subject - verb agreement and proper tenses, prepositions etc.

Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

Hi guy's I'm a first timer. I really want to work in a BPO company. I might apply this july. any tips from the experts and what the best BPO company nowadays. thanks! :)
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

try to backread! everything.
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

whew! heheh im getting nervous! :] ngulat ako,naginquire lng aq tapos nireplyan ako,monday na daw interview ko! wla pa nmn akong reference person! :[ pero anyway excited ako na parang's my very first time to be in an actual interview.. >.<" hehe. any tips po? to kill nervousness? hehe.. wish me luck guys! thanks sa thread n ito,especially kay TS! update ko nlng kau guys if wat's gonna happen with me and my resume hehe. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! btw, sa ExcelAsia ung interview ko, for TSR/ non voice.
Re: How to get a job in Call Center? [questions, opinions & experiences are welcome h

confidence is the key to success
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