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"Quote of the Day"

“Never beg someone na mahalin ka, Kaya nga PAG-IBIG eh. Hindi PAG-I-BEG!”
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Fake friends are like rain, it comes & goes away. Real friends are like air, sometimes it's silent... but always there.
I'm sorry I mistook all our laughs, long nights, texts & words as you caring about me. I'll think twice before wasting my time again.
When I'm upset, sad, or annoyed, I like to put in my earphones, listen to music and just ignore the world around me.
Hindi porket iniiwasan kita eh hindi na kita mahal.. Ayaw ko lang tlga pumapel sa buhay ng taong may minamahal nang iba!
Women are like the police. Even if they have all the evidence that their man cheating, yet they still want a damn confession.
My mom thinks my friends are bad influences but honestly, I'm usually the one coming up with the ideas.
Going shopping with money and nothing to find; Going shopping without money & wanting everything in sight.
Sometimes, we play with love. But when the time comes and you finally realize that you want to get serious, love plays with you.
Life is like a game, you can play it safe and be good, or take a chance and be great.
“Ang SORRY ay nakakawala ng galit, pero hindi ng SAKIT.”
“Dear LORD, Kung hindi mo sya IBIBIGAY sa akin, sana ako na lang IBIGAY mo sa kanya.”
the worst feeling is
pretending you don't
care about someone,
when his all you seem to think about....♥♥♥
Two of thè most important things a person should bear in mind:

1) Use Things, not people.
2) Love People, not things.
You may love the wrong person and cry for the wrong reason... But mistakes will help you find the right person for a good reason
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